Fate Condensed Changelog 2020.04.03

Changelog, revision 5

Copyright page: Added product code and ISBN in anticipation of an eventual print release. Modification date of the file at time of export also added to give folks a chance to verify version.

page 14: removed “On your turn,” as that incorrectly restricted certain invocation scenarios

page 28: added “or more” to make sure it’s clear that contests aren’t limited to the involvement of two parties.

A contest is a situation where two parties ->
A contest is a situation where two or more parties 

Page 33: 

Change (space edit)

Contests may involve the group trying to escape or counteract danger (such as an erupting volcano or angry god) before the danger cuts off any chance of victory.


Contests may have the group trying to escape a threat before it cuts off any chance of victory.

Change (clarity edit)

If the PCs can't or aren't trying to harm the enemy, the GM can still declare a goal of harming or killing the PCs.


In a contest, the PCs can't or aren't trying to harm the enemy. External threats (e.g., erupting volcano, angry god) may attack any or all sides; those threats might also be a participant in the contest. 

Change (clarity edit)

In contests where something is trying to harm any of the contestants, the PCs take hits whenever the opposition beats them in an exchange. The hit has shifts equal to the shifts of failure, just as if they were in a conflict. 


In contests where a threat is trying to harm any of the contestants, everyone on a side takes a hit when their contest roll is lower than the threat’s attack roll or static difficulty rating. They take shifts equal to the shifts of failure.

Change (wording edit; page reference isn't necessary for contests because it points to a description of turn order that's more conflict-relevant than contest-relevant)

Contests take place over a series of exchanges (page 31), during which each side will take an overcome action to do something to achieve their goals. 


Contests occur over a series of exchanges. Each side takes one overcome action to do something to achieve their goals during each exchange.

page 49: 

Typo! distactions -> distractions

"If it attacks and succeeds" -> "If it attacks and hits with a tie or better"

Final paragraph: hazard's rating -> hazard's skill rating

page 50:

the defender gets an Armor rating -> the defender adds an Armor rating

page 51:

Surplus space removed before comma after Chain Link Fence.

page 57:

A fan pointed out that what you're splitting up isn't shifts, it's effort, insofar as the game terminology is defined. Shifts result after comparison of an effort against a target, but here you're making the split BEFORE you compare to targets. Ultimately, while we've been calling it shift splitting for years, that's just not accurate.

split shifts -> split your effort
defend against the shifts -> defend against the effort
at least one shift -> at least one point of effort
total of seven shifts -> total of seven
shift splitting -> effort splitting
Here, you don't split shifts -> Here, you don't split your effort


Fate Condensed.pdf 3.7 MB
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Fate Condensed Character Sheet.pdf 65 kB
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Fate Condensed Character Sheet Formfillable.pdf 120 kB
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Fate Condensed Summary Handout.pdf 59 kB
Apr 03, 2020

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